3 Pack Mix Color PMR446 Walkie Talkies Kids Socotran SC-R60 3miles Mini Child pmr Two way radio with Rechargeable Cable

3 Pack Mix Color PMR446 Walkie Talkies Kids Socotran SC-R60 3miles Mini Child pmr Two way radio with Rechargeable Cable
3PACK Mix Colors SOCOTRAN SC-R60 Kids Toy Walkie Talkies PMR446 License Free mini radio vox 8CH 99 Privacy Codes 0.5W 3 miles range with USB rechargeable Cable Notes:These walkie-talkies conform to the UK and European standard for license-free operation (called PMR446), which means that you can just buy them and begin using them with no…

Rated 5.0/5 by our customers, the 3 Pack Mix Color PMR446 Walkie Talkies Kids Socotran SC-R60… has a sell price of only 57.47$
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