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A smartwatch is a digital watch that provides many other features besides timekeeping. Examples include monitoring your heart rate, tracking your activity, and providing reminders throughout the day. Like a smartphone, a smartwatch has a touchscreen display, which allows you to perform actions by tapping or swiping on the screen. Modern smartwatches include several apps, similar to apps for smartphones and tablets. These apps provide additional functionality, such as displaying weather information, listing stock prices, and displaying maps and directions. Most smartwatches can also be used to make phone calls and send and receive text messages. Smartglasses or smart glasses are wearable computer glasses that add information alongside or to what the wearer sees. Alternatively, smartglasses are sometimes defined as wearable computer glasses that are able to change their optical properties at runtime. Smart sunglasses which are programmed to change tint by electronic means are an example of the latter type of smartglasses. A smart bracelet/fitness monitor is wrist-worn device that can detect some combination of walking steps, running distance, heart rate, sleep patterns and swimming laps. Fitness bands interact via Bluetooth with an app in a mobile device that configures the device and downloads the wearer’s activity data. A…
